Tuesday, June 25, 2013

When it all started

I remember having chronic "Nightmares" as a child even before I can remember my age. Dreams of the Devil vs God. Not the type of dream an average small child has. These dreams would occur for weeks at a time. I wouldn't sleep just hide under my parents bed and wait for morning.  I can remember the smell of the carpet as I hide under the bed with my nose to the floor. Somehow this made me feel safer that my parents were above me to protect me. These dreams were so vivid I still remember them to this day over 35 years later. I also remember being exhausted and very scared.

These dreams continued for years. I remember spending endless nights sleeping in my brother and sisters beds just to avoid being alone. Now it's a family joke about me being in my siblings bed all the time. 

Years past and my mother eventually became a minister and began studying and reading books about spiritual possession. She realized I had been under demonic attack and also having visions. She dedicated all her study to helping me cope with this. I don't remember much about the books but I do remember the one thing that has helped me with this. Mom said, "if you can only do one thing when this happens.. Say the name of JESUS. Until what ever is attacking you leaves." I remembered this and it helped tremendously.  Thanks Mom!

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