Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spiritual Attack From My Eyes a personal experience

I get asked a bunch what does it feel like when you get attacked by a demonic force? 

First I have to say I have never been possessed. I am a Christian and child of God. I feel from my experience that I can not be possessed by a demon as long as I am walking with Christ, unless allowed by God or you personally invite the evil spirit in. Inviting meaning involving in an occult ritual or something similar.  That is my personal belief. Now that being said, I believe a Christian can be tormented and also carry a demonic spirit with or on them. A familiar spirit is what I call it. You may have heard witches having familiar spirits with them. The carrier of this evil spirit has to have opened a door to allow this to happen or be involved in some kind of ungodly activity. Yes, that includes sex with a non Christian or someone who has a demonic attachment. I will go into this in a later posting.   I have seen and know my familiar spirit or the demon who is assigned to me. It has pestered me, hit me, tapped me, yelled in my ear, appeared in my visions or "6th sense" is what I call it. I know this spirit because I believe it is assigned to me similar to how an "guardian angel" is assigned to us. The spirits job is to just tell you to steal, look at things you shouldn't, eat that, smoke that, think that. It's job is to pester and provoke. I am so familiar with this demon know and can draw the demon assigned to me and know its voice. This spirit comes and goes since it has multiple assignments. It's comforting to know angels out number demons 2 to 1. (Rev 12:4) 

So back to the question. What does it feel like. The most common form of attack, I have named is the
"Fear Attack". Why call it a fear attack? Because you are so scared that you are literally frozen solid. You cannot move like something is holding you down or sitting on your chest. Like a very heavy weight is on your chest.  It is suffocating and very hard to breath. You can't talk or moan. You loose your voice and like the name says you are scared.  Often you will feel hands on you or hear laughter or taunting. Imagine being a small child and being picked on or bullied on a playground. That feeling of loneliness and discomfort is what the taunting brings. You just want to cry and feel an uncontrollable sorrow. This will come on so fast and usually during sleep. NO it's not a dream. You will know your awake but physically asleep. Like just your soul is being tortured.

So what to do if this happens?

If you have read my previous posts you know about my previous encounters with demonic forces, which brings me to talk about my mother. Mom used to tell me one thing to say. That was to shout out the name of almighty JESUS. Saying the name of Jesus has worked for others that I have coached and talked to. Now remember during the "Fear Attack" you cannot breath or talk. So this will NOT be easy. Don't give up keep trying to say JESUS. It will come out. At first very softly, then louder, then louder. By the time you can hear it you will be yelling it. That is how much effort it takes to get it out. You may even wake up or wake others up. Now we as Christians know that demonic forces do not like and must respect Jesus and the power his name brings. All demons fear Jesus and respect Him. Even the Devil himself must respect Jesus.

From my experience this has always worked but sometimes it will take longer depending on which level of demonic force you are dealing with. I will cover this in an other post.

Now I do have a friend that when he experienced his first attack or manifestation saying Jesus name didn't work. My friend and I have talked about this and I believe God wanted him to see this in order to understand the stories I tell him. The spirit eventually went away.

Below is what the base level demon looks like or at least the one assigned to me. Oh they are often not alone. Thank God for his protection!

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