Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My First Visit from Heaven

I have talked to many people that I respect from a spiritual standpoint. I always ask why have I seen more demonic forces than heavenly beings?  This is not a subject that many are knowledgeable about or have even experienced. Finding trustworthy sources is very difficult. Which is an other reason I am writing about my experiences. I believe God has shown me more Back to the story.

I remember my first visit from a heavenly being like it was yesterday. How can one forget right!  I remember being in my bed and suddenly the angel was right next to me. My first instinct was to be fearful and scared but I immediately noticed I was not. I felt very peaceful, calm, not scared at all. The angel just stood there and I bathed in the moving light it was emitting. I am getting good bumps just remembering this as I write. The light was warm and golden but soft and bright at the same time. I couldn't see an actual face more like a light of a super bright light bulb. It was wearing a white garment much like a three musketeer tabbard. The tabbard was white with a red stripe going around the edge and had a red cross in the middle of it where a mans chest would be. The garment was the least bright part of the angel. I have no idea how long it was visiting but I do remember its face was too bright to see detail. I could see it's head was transparent like a glass light bulb and I could see 2 more light bulbs inside the main bulb. 3 in1! Does that sound familiar? Like the Trinity? God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. To this day i wonder if I was seeing God himself because of the angel being three in one being. 

The next day I went to church where we had a great spirit filled service. I could only think of one thing the whole service. Did I really see an angel????  I decided to talk to the only person I knew who could see angels who happened to be an Elder at my church.  As I approached him after the service, I started to talk when he cut me off. I will never forget what he told me.  The elder said," God has told me to tell you that you are seeing angels. To stop doubting yourself.  You are quiet and many think you are not strong in Christ but God has said you are very strong in and your faith and wisdom is more than many twice your age." I will never forget that moment.  

Praise God!!!

My render of what I saw. 

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